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So far Tracy Schiff has created 10 blog entries.

Getting to the Root of Chronic Illness by Wendy Carlson (featuring Dr. Sachs)

A Holistic Approach to Healing Takes Many Paths By Wendy Carlson Photographer: Ryan Lavine When Dr. Tamara Sachs examines a patient in her New Milford office, she looks beyond recognizing and treating the symptoms of their condition. Think of her more like a detective bent on tracking down clues to the root cause of the [...]

The Benefits of LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone)

Naltrexone is a drug approved by the FDA in the 1980s to treat heroin and opiate addiction. A long-acting form of Naltrexone, at high doses, is used to reverse the effects of narcotics like heroin. LDN, or Low Dose Naltrexone,is different – it is a TINY dose of SHORT-ACTING Naltrexone (just 1-6mg) given daily, that helps [...]

How to Prevent Premature Aging – April, 2020

There is aging, which is not preventable, and then there is premature aging, which is.  The goal of functional medicine is to stay healthy, active and fit into our eighth, ninth decades and beyond – to postpone symptoms of aging until we are close to the end of our lives.  Currently, many Americans start to [...]

Fall & Winter Immune Support Update – November, 2020

We know much more about this very nasty little virus, SARS2-COVID-19, than when I last wrote. We now know that it enters through the respiratory system, but it infects the cells that line our blood vessels.  It typically damages the smallest blood vessels in the lungs, at the alveoli, where blood and air mix to [...]

Keep Calm & Take Charge – A COVID-19 Update – March, 2020

The new corona virus that causes COVID-19 is not only a new virus, but it is mutating, changing, rapidly.  We are learning a lot about COVID-19 but still know very little and what we do know is changing fast as scientists and doctors from all over the world share their clinical observation and ongoing research at [...]

The Coronavirus Guide – March, 2020

The news and social media hype around COVID-19 and its cause, the new Coronavirus, makes it sound like we all need to be in full-blown fear and panic mode.  Not true. We do not need to panic.  We do, however, need to prepare. The Coronavirus is going to spread – without question – but that [...]

The Brain-Pain Connection – July, 2019

Chronic pain is an entirely different beast than acute pain.  Chronic pain comes from the brain and is perpetuated by inflammation, molecules that tell nerves and the brain that there is a problem.  Chronic pain is also a subjective perception, how we think about pain affects our pain. In the past few years, medicine has [...]

Don’t Fall for Fad Diets – May, 2019

It seems like every few months, there is a new diet fad.  My concern with many of these latest diets, like Paleo and keto for example, is that, similar to the Atkins diet from decades ago, some folks are just looking for permission to eat more of America’s favorite foods – meat and fat.  Protein [...]

What To Do If You Get Sick This Winter – December, 2018

Updated in March, 2020 for Current COVID-19 Outbreak   GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS Help your immune system to function optimally by getting enough sleep, exercising (but not excessively), managing stress, eating an abundance of raw, colorful vegetables every day, keeping sugar to a low level, avoiding foods to which you are sensitive or allergic and testing for [...]

Why I No Longer Recommend Taking Fish Oil – February, 2018

There is a large body of scientific evidence that shows that a diet rich in omega fatty acids supports a wide range of health benefits, including inflammation in general and the heart, brain, joint, skin and eyes in particular. It is hard to get enough of the good omegas in our diets, in the right [...]

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