The new corona virus that causes COVID-19 is not only a new virus, but it is mutating, changing, rapidly.  We are learning a lot about COVID-19 but still know very little and what we do know is changing fast as scientists and doctors from all over the world share their clinical observation and ongoing research at an unprecedented and furious pace.

Because of new information, my recommendations are changing and may change again as we learn more. 

Out of an abundance of caution, the principle of “first, do no harm,” and using my most educated guess in light of this very recent new info, I am advising you to stop any supplements that may increase inflammatory cytokines.  That, unfortunately, includes some of my favorites and some that you may have recently purchased.

QUICK SUMMARY (details to follow):
STOP TAKING if you have had any exposure to, or symptoms of COVID-19:

  • Echinacea , Immunitone Plus and Viracid
  • Colloidal Silver
  • Medicinal Mushrooms
  • Iron supplements (check first if you are anemic)
  • NSAIDs – NO Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, Aleve
  • Aspirin at doses of 350mg or more (low dose of 81mg is fine)

Use acetaminophen (Tylenol) only for fevers and take N-A-C or glutathione when taking it.



These have research proving that they support a healthy immune system and lower inflammatory cytokines:

  • Plant-based diets – aim for 80%
  • Increased vegetable, fruit and berry intake – more is better
  • Avoiding sugar, processed foods and other toxins
  • Juice Plus+ capsules (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) food supplements with research
  • Omega Blend and other clean Omega 3s
  • Vitamin D – 2,000 to 5,000iu to achieve a blood level of 50 to 70
  • Vitamin C – liposomal or whole food-based (not oral ascorbic acid)
  • Zinc – lozenge or open a 15mg capsule in water and gargle/hold/swallow
  • Turmeric and Curcumin


Here is WHY (the latest news and the dilemma):

Some supplements that I love and use, and that clearly work to minimize previous strains of cold and flu viruses as well as bacteria MAY BE a problem with this new COVID-19 virus.  That’s because these specific supplements may increase certain inflammatory cytokines.  Very slightly and selectively, but even that has become a theoretical concern.

Inflammation is one of the very important ways we kill off microbes of all kinds, and the immune system uses inflammation and free radicals as one of its best weapons against all microbes.

There seem to be two different ways this virus can be lethal.  First is respiratory failure, in which the lungs get too stiff, a condition called fibrosis, and oxygen can no longer get through.

The second way is called a cytokine storm and this can be very sudden.  In this case, inflammation, normally the immune system’s best weapon, gets completely out of control and overwhelms the entire body, causing death.  There is much we don’t know about why some people develop a cytokine storm.

The balancing of the immune system and the inflammation system is very complicated in normal times; this new virus is unpredictable.

These concerns are all theoretical at this point.  But I think it is safest, for now, to stop anything that may increase inflammatory cytokines in favor of immune support that does not.

NSAIDs alter the inflammation response in ways that may be detrimental, according to the French Ministry of Health this past weekend.

Because of these new reports of cytokine storms, I suggest you put Silver, Immunitone and Viracid away, just for now.  We may know more in a week (or we may not).  These supplements are still very safe and effective for every other upper respiratory infection, sinus or ear infection.  Flus and colds are still much more common than this Coronavirus.  But, to be extremely cautious, stop them until we know more.

Silver nanoparticles have proven anti-viral properties. [6]  But, exposing lung fibroblast cells to silver nanoparticles has been seen to generate free radicals.  This may be only at toxic doses or it may be one of the ways silver helps kills microbes, we don’t know.  However, because these are inflammatory molecules in the same lung cells that cause fibrosis, I think we should not take silver until we know more.

Alternatively, if you are at low risk for having been exposed to the virus (meaning you haven’t traveled, have not been in any crowds and there is no COVID-19 in your area yet), you may choose to continue these supplements, as I am, until we know more.  Colds and influenza are still a bigger risk than COVID-19, at least in most of the country.

Please remember – 98% of us will be just fine, but we need to do our part by staying home for the next couple of weeks, to slow the spread and protect the rest of our community and our country.  We will get through this together.  Look out for your neighbors, help where you can.  Reassure your kids.  It really will be OK.

More updates to follow.  Updates will also be posted to my blog and my Facebook page so you can check them at any time.

Sleep and laughter are such good medicines.  I wish you an abundance of both.